There’s strength in numbers. The IAM is 600,000 members strong and fighting every day to improve our jobs.
You can’t put a price tag on peace of mind. Unions assure our jobs are secure and protect us against undue punishment.
IAM members sit down with their managers and negotiate over wages, benefits and more. That’s having a voice on the job.
Why a Union?
Why Now?
You have an opportunity to shift the balance of power at Parker Haninifin. Union members are treated fairly and with respect because they have a say on the job.
IAM members at Parker Hannifan’s Erie facility talk about what being part of a union has done for them and their families.
Your Questions Answered
In this forum, we will continue to update questions and concerns, address the union buster’s tactics, and provide information to help you make an informed decision.
Facts Don’t Lie – $369,460.00 in the Green
Over the past week, the union buster has made many unrealistic claims that forming a union would hurt everybody. The union-buster’s silly pie chart has absolutely no way to confirm the data displayed. It’s another false claim that they cannot back up with any reliable source.
So let’s recalibrate and get to sound facts that are based on actual data. Union members have much more to rely on besides higher wages. BUT – let’s look at wages for this post. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is a federal government agency that measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy. Their aim is to support public and private decision-making. According to the BLS, the average union worker makes $203 a week more than non-union workers. That number is an average that includes all industries, transportation, service, manufacturing, and more. How did these folks get ahead? They formed a union and negotiated with their employer.
Now – the recent 401k handout, which the union-buster reflects the average wage in Saegertown at $28 an hour, implies that depositing your dues into a 401k over 35 years would hopefully generate $160,652. If union workers today are making on average 203.00 a week more than non-union workers across all industries, that would equate to an additional $369,460 over 35 years (all things remaining the same).
Of course, we agree that you should invest in that 401k and make an additional $160,652 on top of the extra earnings your union contract would get you.
Learn more about union wages here.
Q: The Union Busters Are Saying We Would Have to Pay for Our PPE. Is This True?
A: No, that’s absolutely FALSE. Companies have a responsibility and legal requirement to provide PPE to workers based on identified hazards in the workplace that cannot be designed or engineered out of the process. If you are working with chemicals, the company must provide the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the required PPE. I am sure you are well aware of MSDS sheets. The employer must comply with all OSHA standards that require PPE. Then there is also the monetary value saved when workplace injuries are kept to a minimum.
Jon Buress and Noble Miller have just fabricated another threat – this time using PPE. As workers ourselves, we always found it hard to understand why any company would let guys like Jon and Noble do and say anything they want to their workers.
OSHA 1910.132(a): Application. Protective equipment, including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, and extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields and barriers, shall be provided, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition wherever it is necessary by reason of hazards of processes or environment, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants encountered in a manner capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact. Source: Occupation Safety and Health Administration
Q: Will Negotiations Take a Whole Year?
A: The fact is the Erie folks at Parker Hannifin just negotiated a contract in four weeks. The other ten Parker Hannifin union sites negotiated their contracts in weeks – NOT months. Why should you expect to be treated any different than these locations? There is no reason you should not expect the same level of respect when you negotiate your contract in Saegertown. Management has a legal obligation to bargain in good faith. See, the union buster is trying to divide you. Their effort is solely committed to separating the workers by misleading and lying. It’s just plain ugly. They know they are hurting people with these mean-spirited tactics. The union busters understand what they are doing and enjoy how they secretly try and manipulate good people.
Q: Are We Able to Receive Raises or Promotions?
A: The reality is Parker Hannifin can promote people today. They could also give you a raise. They can do anything that they have been doing before this organizing campaign AND during negotiations. Nothing is stopping them. Again – another sad attempt to control people by lying and misleading. It is easy to lie and walk away. Ask Human Resources if anything is stopping them from giving everybody a raise?
Q: Why are They Trying to Make the IAM Constitution a Bad Thing for Us in Saegertown?
A: The anti-worker Mr. Burress and his Noble sidekick are trying to muddy the waters between what workers at Saegertown will negotiate in their contracts and the IAM Constitution. The IAM Constitution is an internal document that, among other things, sets the goal that a living wage is something we should all strive for. And let’s be very clear: The IAM Constitution belongs to the members. It guarantees the members’ right to nominate and elect their officers in secret ballot elections, as well as the members’ right to vote on contracts and to participate fully in every aspect of the life of their union. It is NOT something that has any legal influence on negotiations, which the union busters imply with their handout. The company doesn’t care that we fight for better wages or a better balance between work and life. When you form a union and you prepare for negotiations, your negotiating committee does NOT send the company copies of the IAM constitution. That’s because they are not intertwined. The constitution is how the union operates internally. While a contract is between the workers at their location and the employer. The IAM membership constructed the constitution back in 1888 and over the past 133 years, the constitution has been opened and modified by the local lodge members who are elected to be delegates to the Grand Lodge Convention. Every four years, all local lodges have the opportunity to send delegates to the convention where IAM members make changes to the constitution.
And the union buster’s attempt to highlight overtime in the recent handout is a joke. The reality is almost all IAM local lodge membership have negotiated their overtime rules that protect their membership from abuse of overtime – NOT restrict voluntary overtime. Erie workers work overtime. So do other unionized facilities. If what they are implying was true, they would have shared more than a small cropped out section of the IAM constitution. Just like they pick and choose from the Erie contract. Starting to see a pattern here?
I will be more than happy to deliver the IAM constitution to anybody that requests a copy. Simply email me ( and let me know.
Q: What About the Management Right Clause?
A: Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Since the union-busters landed in Saegertown, they have been telling you the union would come in and run the shop and that your relationship with your supervisor would change. Now they are drawing attention to the management right clause and saying that is not the case. Which is it, Mr. Burress? Every contract has a management right clause. This handout is actually proof the union doesn’t come in and run the shop. Plus, the term, “come in” is inaccurate. It should be, “when you form a union.” Management will rightfully still be responsible for the day-to-day operations. How could it be any other way? It would be odd if there weren’t a management clause. The difference is when you form your union you are gaining the ability to take part in putting reasonable guardrails and common-sense policies in place that, as a union, you can enforce or protect. It’s creating a structure that you can rely on. You will have the support and backing of the IAM to help you negotiate for better wages and benefits. The handout should put people’s minds at ease. If the union buster has the Erie contract, maybe he should post the entire contract – that would be fair.
Q: What’s With the “Vote No” Gear?
A: Today the union-busters started handing out their vote no covid mask and hats. Soon they will start asking why are you not wearing yours. Their goal is to force you to be a walking billboard for them. Let’s face it – having the hats and masks out there you feel you have to wear it or your boss will see that you are not. You would think they would respect you and not force their authority on you in such a manner. When you form your union, you won’t have to worry about somebody using their power to control you like this. The goal will be to focus on your work, help with process improvements, and work with management to reach customers’ expectations. It’s sad that the company turned control over to the union buster. Right now, production doesn’t even seem like a priority. Instead they are spending money that could rather be in your pockets to fight your efforts to gain more rights on the job. Seems they can find money when they need to.
Q: Why are the Union Busters Jon Burress and Noble Miller Saying They Need to Collect Mine and My Co-Worker’s Signature?
A: There is no requirement by the National Labor Relation Board(NLRB) for the union busters to collect your signature. These anti-worker guys claiming they need to collect your signature while leaving the impression it’s for some legal activity related to the NLRB mail ballot process is unethical. While the NLRB does compare the signatures on the mail-ballot envelopes against the list of eligible voters, it does not “verify” those signatures by comparing them against another set of unit members’ signatures. Unfortunately, the union-busters theme of misleading, lying, and scare tactics continue. They may want your signature for something else – but it is not to satify a requirement in the mail ballot process. It’s sad when they use their authority to trample on you in order to collect signatures involuntarily. It is important to remember the union representative, management, and union busters never handle the ballots – only the NLRB agent. Nobody will ever know how somebody voted. We trust the NLRB process and the agents that manage it. Please feel free to verify the signature issue and any other concerns about the mail ballot process by contacting the NLRB Region 06 Pittsburgh, PA Office. (412) 395-4400. 4/7/2021 Update: The union busters have reversed their initial statements on signatures and are now claiming they are optional.
Q: Will Forming a Union Hurt Parker Hannifin?
A: No, absolutely not. The union buster’s number one tool is FEAR. Saying things like Parker Hannifin won’t be able to meet customer demand because of the union is nothing more than misinformation meant to scare you. First things first, you and your co-workers are the union. You elect your officers, decide what issues you want to see changed and vote on your negotiated collective bargaining agreement. Clearly, you don’t want to do anything that would hurt operations. It is in no one’s best interest to put systems in place that hurt your employer’s bottom line. The more successful Parker Hannifin is, the more profits should find their way into the paychecks of those of you who are contributing to that success. Union or not, the demands of the customers will be met. Additionally, treating workers with dignity and respect has nothing to do with “customers” and everything to do with raising morale and productivity. You need look no further than Parker Hannifin’s Erie facility to see how successful and productive a unionized facility can be.
Q: Will We Lose Our Direct Relationship With Our Managers?
A: No. With a union, you can sit down and negotiate with Parker Hannifin over your wages, benefits and working conditions. This balances the scales of power at your worksite and creates a MORE direct relationship with management. It promotes respect and fairness. Right now, the company controls the relationship. They can make decisions about your wages, benefits and more BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. And that’s just how they want things to remain. One of the staples of any anti-union campaign is to portray the union as an outsider who’s coming in to “disrupt” things. Remember – YOU are the union. YOU decide what issues you want to negotiate with your employer. YOU form your negotiating committee. YOU elect your local lodge, district lodge and International leadership. YOU vote on whether to accept or reject your negotiated collective bargaining agreement. The IAM will provide bargaining assistance and a host of other services, but ultimately this is your union.
Q: Will Our Contract Have a Union Security Clause?
A: It’s up to you. A security clause is what many term a “closed shop.” The legal term is actually “agency shop.” The truth is nobody ever has to be a union member or follow any internal rules in an agency shop. Everybody has the right to refuse membership and only pay financial core fees. Workers propose, and the employer agrees to a security clause. Individuals who wish to remain non-members will pay a fee for representation, many times equal to or slightly less than dues.
The objective of union security provisions is to ensure that the union exists and performs its function. The security clause typically becomes a proposal during negotiations when the membership in an open shop reaches a high percentage of union members (80%-90%) and agree by a majority that closing the shop would benefit not hurt their union. That’s because workers over time come to realize the work and costs that come with proper representation and management of a strong contract. There are many who feel those cost should be shared when everyone is reaping the benfits. The fact is the more of you who belong to the Union, the more strength you have when it comes to negotiating your wages, benefits and more. The majority will gladly contribute through dues to have a healthy, powerful union.
Q: Will We “Lose” During Negotiations?
A: NO! PH is required by law to bargain in good faith. That means demonstrating a sincere effort to compromise on proposals put forth by you and your negotiation committee. It would be illegal for them to cut your wages in retaliation for voting for the union. Therefore, everything stays the same until you vote to approve a contract. And keep in mind – YOU vote on the contract. So, you don’t have to vote for anything you don’t want. If they really thought you would bargain down your wages and benefits, why would they go to such extreme lengths to oppose the union?
Besides, this is about more than just wages and benefits. It’s about being treated fairly. What the union buster is saying by telling you things might get worse is that you can’t handle being a union. They have to know you can see the difference between Saegertown and Erie. That all the negative stuff isn’t happening in Erie or other IAM Parker Hannifin facilities. The reason is they can sit down and negotiate over issues that matter to them. Why would it be different in Saegertown?
Q: How Much are Dues?
A: Dues are 2.5% of the average wage of the collective bargaining group.
Example: Average wage $25.00 x 2.5%= $62.50
Dues are monthly, everybody’s Dues are $62.50
Broken down – weekly $15.63 a week or $2.08 a day.
The union buster is trying to make it appear you may pay large sums more than someone else because of the misleading statement dues are 2.5% of “overall gross pay.” There is no union that bases dues on gross pay. It’s a flat out lie.
IAM Members Live Better
The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) represents roughly 600,00 workers across North America. That includes healthcare, aerospace, air and rail transport, manufacturing, distribution center and public-sector workers – just to name a few.
The Benefits of Belonging
More Money
Union members earn roughly $200 more every week than non-members. But it’s so much more than that. It’s about negotiating with your bosses over set wage increases that can’t change at management’s whim.
A union-negotiated contract puts rules in place that allow you to do your job without fear of retaliation or unjust treatment. If you feel those rules have been broken, you have the legal right to appeal through a grievance procedure. As a result, everyone is treated with respect.
Free College
The IAMAW Free College Benefit makes it possible for you and your family members to earn an associate degree completely online — for FREE.
Paid Time Off
Some 87 percent of union workers have access to paid sick days, compared to 69 percent of non-union workers. Roughly 89 percent of union workers get paid vacation and holidays, compared to roughly 75 percent of non-union workers.
Your Rights Under the Law
Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), you and your co-workers have certain rights when it comes to forming a union.
You have the right to form, join or assist a union.
You have the right to distribute union literature, wear union t-shirts, ask co-workers to sign authorization cards and discuss the union with co-workers on non-work time.
Supervisors and management are not allowed to spy on you, coercively question you, threaten you or bribe you regarding your union activity.
You have the right to organize a union to negotiate with your employer over your wages, benefits and other working conditions.
Your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about or soliciting for a union during non-work time (including before and after work or during breaks).
You can’t be fired, disciplined, demoted, or penalized for engaging in any of the above mentioned activities.
The Mail Ballot Union Election
Due to the Covid pandemic, your Union election at Parker Hannifin Lord will most likely be conducted via mail-in ballot. Although Union elections typically take place on the worksite, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) will often order a mail ballot election if in-person elections are considered unsafe. You can expecte to receive your mail ballot kit from the NLRB very soon. Check out the video to learn more about the mail ballot union election process.