
Parker Hannifin Lord- Message From The Handbill Line

Parker Hannifin Lord- Message From The Handbill Line

We want to thank those who took a moment and allowed us to provide some information while handbilling; providing workers information is extremely difficult during an organizing campaign. Regardless of your support today, we appreciate you taking a moment to review the information and checking out your campaign website. We will update this section, “Latest News,”  with updates as we move forward.

Many employers try their best to stop an organizing campaign before filing the petition for an election with the National Labor Relations Board. Management will try and scare workers about the honest and accurate intent and handling of the authorization card. For the facts about the authorization card, take a moment and watch the short video posted just above the Latest News section.

Quick answers- authorization card

You did not join the union by submitting a card.

You are not obligated to vote yes (secret ballot election).

You will not start paying dues.

Management Trick (sincerity)

A high-level manager addresses the group asking for a second chance.

Fake sincerity – “we understand you have this right,” “we get it,” “we want to give you the facts,” “feel free to attend union meetings,” “listen to both sides.”

Performance Bonuses.

Unscheduled performance appraisal and raises.

New worker-friendly policy changes.

After the Sincerity plan rolls out, the company’s campaign will soon become aggressive and try to turn your attention away from the issues that have many of you supporting the effort to organize.  You may say to yourself, “not my company; they would not stoop that low.” If they haven’t already, a high percentage of companies will hire a professional persuader (AKA union buster) to try to scare and intimidate workers about negotiations, dues, the union, and much more.

Please review the campaign website and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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